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About Us

Safaxnet Blog was created on 4th of May, 2016 by one of Nigeria's fastest growing tech blogger by name Adesoji Awobajo. Having decided to give out the best of solutions to problems in the tech industry and the world at large, through the process of writing fresh and unique contents on tech products, specifically mobile technology.

Meanwhile, my sole aim was to bring everybody around the world and make them to be current with technology updates and to solve their daily problems instantly. So we proffer elegant, constructive ideas and the best solutions to every of this blog readers.

By following our blog post always, and a regular visit to this blog, you will change yourself into a phone geek. To put into perspective, the topics covered here which include free internet browsing, troubleshooting guides, tips, tricks, how to, reviews, information and many more as regards mobile tech products.

Enjoy your stay at SAFAXNET BLOG.

Regards Admin.


  1. Hi
    I'm interested in being an editor on this website. What are the requirements?

    1. Hi chike, kindly PC me on whatsapp 08185820902

